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The VNO is financed through annual membership fees, licensing fees and proceeds from current activities of the organization.

Full Membership in the VNO


 Receipt of a VARAN vendor-ID
 Expanded support with the conversion to VARAN
 Cost effective evaluation kits
 Participation in organization events
 Right to vote on decisions
 Named as a member in the VNO homepage
 Cost-free use of the VARAN logo

Membership fee: 
EUR 500,-

The first member fee is due directly after the confirmation of receipt and the remaining months prorated out to the end of the year.

Licensing fees:

Licenses per year Price per license
1 – 500 1,016 EUR
1.000 0,376 EUR
10.000 0,139 EUR
50.000 0,052 EUR
100.000 0,019 EUR


Association Bylaws:

E-mail requests to


Membership form Download

Associate Membership in the VNO


Expanded support with the conversion to VARAN
Cost effective evaluation kits
Participation in organization events
Named as a member in the VNO homepage
Cost-free use of the VARAN logo

Membership Fee:

No membership fee required. Associate members are obligated to support the organization with other contributions. This is accomplished in that they hereby allow the company name to be listed on the homepage for advertising purposes.

Association Bylaws:

E-mail requests to


Membership form Download


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