The broad product palette offers the right VARAN components for any job:

Various VARAN Manager and expansion cards, client components such as input/output, motion, sensors and communication. The product spectrum is rounded out with infrastructure components; the perfect connection is therewith guaranteed.

Naturally, kits for development and implementation as well as analysis and service tools are available.

Linear Distance Sensor

  • Product Details
  • Additional Information
Linearwegsensor LI
Die induktive Linearwegsensor-Familie LI ist mit einer VARAN-Schnittstelle ausgerüstet. Neben den bisher verfügbaren Ausgängen (U/I, SSI und IO-Link) sind die Linearwegsensoren auch mit Echtzeit-Ethernet erhältlich - für Anwendungen, in denen Achsen in harter Echtzeit geregelt werden müssen.
  • Hochauflösend
  • Magnetfeldresistent
  • Misst berührungslos und verschleißfrei
  • Hot-Plug-fähig
  • IP67 geschützt

Linear Distance Sensor LI

The inductive linear distance sensor family LI is now equipped with a VARAN interface. In addition to the current available outputs (U/I, SSI and I/O-Link), the linear distance sensors are now available with real-time Ethernet - for applications in which hard real-time regulation is required. Features:
  • High resolution
  • Magnetic field resistant
  • Contact and wear-free measurement
  • Hot-plug capable
  • IP67 protection